Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Træna festival: From last year until forever.

Trænafestivalen is probably the most beautiful festival location in the world. It's on a small island many miles off the coast of Northern Norway, and if you go there once, you'll most cirtainly come back next year. We did, Sara and I. We came as dj's in 2007 and this summer, 2008, we brought with us our third head who loved it just as much as us. Pincus is the latest addition to Belle & Donatella and the three of us will dance 'til the sun goes down. Which it never does in the summer in Northern Norway, so you get my drift. 
(All photos taken by Sara.) 
Last year we were originally placed in a lavvo with thirteen snoring dudes so a couple of non-snoring dudes offered us shelter in a huge house with them and the beautiful Rockettothesky. It ended up a great success and we decided they're some of the coolest people we've ever met. I miss Vegard's jacket!

Sturla and I trying to imitate and elephant.

Getting ready for take off.

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